Elder Financial Abuse

Financial Exploitation—the illegal or improper use of an elder’s financial assets for profit or gain by another—is one of the fastest growing and least understood forms of abuse. According to the Investor Protection Trust, 2010, there are at least five million financial abuse victims each year, with one out of every five citizens over the age of 65 having suffered from financial exploitation. 
Older and dependent adults are victimized routinely by frauds, scams and identity theft. Those with cognitive impairment, dementia, psychiatric problems or physical issues may be more dependent on others (such as family members, friends, formal or informal caregivers) for assistance in both performing financial tasks and in making sound decisions. Their dependency on others contributes to their vulnerability to theft, fraud and undue influence—and the Bernatz Experts team has the insights and years of experience to effectively assist in assessing cases of this sensitive “silent crime.”
Dr. Bernatz is a founding member of the world-renowned Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Center (LACEAFC) that was started in 2006 where her team of experts continues to serve as consultants and expert witnesses.  Our neuropsychological expertise at the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center was found to be a key factor for increasing rates of prosecution in elder financial exploitation and abuse matters (DeLiema et. al., American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2016).